The City Mattress Blog

Quieting the ADHD Noise and Drifting Off to Dreamland: A Sleep Guide for Busy Brains - City Mattress

Quieting the ADHD Noise and Drifting Off to Dreamland: A Sleep Guide for Busy Brains

Ah, sleep. That elusive state we crave yet often struggle to achieve, especially if you have ADHD. The racing thoughts, the endless to-do list replaying in your head, the sudden...

Quieting the ADHD Noise and Drifting Off to Dreamland: A Sleep Guide for Busy Brains

The Conk You Can Count On: Unveiling the Benefits of Chaga Mushrooms - City Mattress

The Conk You Can Count On: Unveiling the Benefits of Chaga Mushrooms

For centuries, the black, gnarled form of the chaga mushroom has held a place of reverence in traditional medicine. This curious conk, growing on birch trees in harsh northern climates,...

The Conk You Can Count On: Unveiling the Benefits of Chaga Mushrooms

Drooling Drove You Nuts? How to Stop That Bedtime Dripping - City Mattress

Drooling Drove You Nuts? How to Stop That Bedtime Dripping

Hey snoozers, ever wake up to a soggy pillow and a sticky situation? We've all been there – the victim of nighttime dribble. While drooling in your sleep is actually...

Drooling Drove You Nuts? How to Stop That Bedtime Dripping

7 Best Foods to Eat Before Bed - City Mattress

7 Best Foods to Eat Before Bed

Source: borzywoj/ Certain foods can be beneficial to eat before bed because they contain nutrients that help promote better sleep. For example, foods rich in tryptophan, an essential amino acid,...

7 Best Foods to Eat Before Bed