The City Mattress Blog

Float Away to Dreamland: The Wonders of Zero Gravity Beds - City Mattress

Float Away to Dreamland: The Wonders of Zero Gravity Beds

Imagine a bed that cradles you like a gentle hug, distributing your weight evenly and melting away your aches and pains. This isn't a dream; it's the magic of a...

Float Away to Dreamland: The Wonders of Zero Gravity Beds

Why Do People Twitch in Their Sleep? - City Mattress

Why Do People Twitch in Their Sleep?

Source: Andrey_Popov/ Have you ever wondered why you twitch just as you’re drifting off to sleep? Has your sleep partner complained that you move and twitch after drifting off? You’re...

Why Do People Twitch in Their Sleep?

Trapped in the Land of Nod: Your Guide to Conquering Sleep Paralysis - City Mattress

Trapped in the Land of Nod: Your Guide to Conquering Sleep Paralysis

Ever woken up feeling frozen, unable to move or speak, while terrifying hallucinations dance in your vision? Welcome to the unsettling world of sleep paralysis, a surprisingly common sleep disorder...

Trapped in the Land of Nod: Your Guide to Conquering Sleep Paralysis

Why You're Tossing and Turning: How Chronic Inflammation Disrupts Your Sleep - City Mattress

Why You're Tossing and Turning: How Chronic Inflammation Disrupts Your Sleep

Sleep. It's the golden elixir of health, the ultimate reset button, the magic potion that fuels our minds and bodies. Yet, for millions struggling with chronic inflammation, a good night's...

Why You're Tossing and Turning: How Chronic Inflammation Disrupts Your Sleep