The City Mattress Blog

sleeper sofas

A Holiday Guide to Setting up Your Guest Room


Woman on Bed in Guest Room

This time of the year is spent around loved ones. It’s what makes this season so memorable! For many homeowners, this also means the guestroom will be getting a lot more use than it has for a while. Is your guest room actually guest-ready? Here’s a helpful guide to give your holiday visitors the five-star treatment they deserve and avoid any awkward scenarios:

#1 - Refresh your pillow collection

Look around your guestroom- how old are those pillows? You may not think much about your own pillows and even less about those stocked in the guest room. This is a common mistake, but a mistake just the same. The rule of thumb is to replace your pillow every one to two years. However, certain types of pillows last longer than others, due to the quality and what it is made from. In fact, a latex pillow may last up four years, and both memory foam and feather pillows can last closer to three. If you’ve gone longer than this without replacing your guest room pillows, you are inviting someone to sleep on dust mites, body oil, and a flattened-out surface that isn’t good for their alignment.

#2 - Provide an empty closet or dresser

There’s nothing more uncomfortable than living out of a suitcase. Especially if your guests are staying for a few days and nights, it’s much more hospitable to give them some space to unpack. During this time of year, they may have a suit or nice dress they brought for a party that they need to hang or some thick winter apparel that isn’t easy to keep stuffed in a suitcase. Leaving them a couple drawers and an empty closet area, plus a half dozen hangers, is an easy way to express how welcome they are in your home.

#3 - Stock the room with some basics

 If you want to know exactly what your guests need in their guest room, just think of what a hotel has! A few simple basics like a lamp, alarm clock, tissues, hair dryer, and a pen will be much appreciated. If you want to be an extra-great host, you can even stock the room with their favorite snacks, water bottles, and coffees. Your guest room will be everyone’s favorite new “hotel!”

Couple on Sleeper Sofa

#4 - Get the best of both worlds with a sleeper sofa

You may be thinking “It’s a shame to take up an entire room with a bedroom set when I really only have overnight guests during the Holiday Season.” You are not alone, and so there is a great solution for people in your situation. Purchase a sleeper sofa! Sleeper sofas are incredibly practical; the compact design makes them a perfect seating area in your spare room. When you have guests, you can quickly and easily pull it flat to create a comfortable sleeping surface. City Mattress stocks Luonto Furniture Sleeper Sofas, and so each piece is both incredibly stylish and well-made.

The holiday season is already upon up, and your guests may be arriving very soon. There’s still time! City Mattress offers free, next-day delivery on anything that is in stock. This includes all mattress collections, linens and pillows, and even high-quality bedroom furniture. Don’t miss out on your chance to have your guest room set up perfectly for out-of-town in-laws, a party goer who enjoys your festivities a little too much, or anyone else looking to settle down for a long winter’s nap.