The City Mattress Blog

Sleep Tips: How to Improve Quality of Sleep - City Mattress

Sleep Tips: How to Improve Quality of Sleep

There’s simply no denying it: Getting a good night’s rest is one of the best things you can do for your overall health and wellness. Quality sleep is linked to...

Sleep Tips: How to Improve Quality of Sleep

5 Ways Your Sleep and Energy Levels Are Connected - City Mattress

5 Ways Your Sleep and Energy Levels Are Connected

Feeling sluggish? There’s a good chance that’s because you’re not getting good, restorative sleep at night. The quality and time we spend snoozing is directly responsible for how energetic we...

5 Ways Your Sleep and Energy Levels Are Connected

The Effects of Sleep on Mental Health - City Mattress

The Effects of Sleep on Mental Health

Our mental health is one of the many reasons sleep is so important. The effects of sleep on mental health are tangible and observable. When you suffer from poor sleep...

The Effects of Sleep on Mental Health

What Makes a Luxury Mattress? - City Mattress

What Makes a Luxury Mattress?

We offer a wide variety of mattresses at City Mattress, which can fit most any budget. Among those offerings are our luxury mattresses. If you’re wondering what makes a luxury...

What Makes a Luxury Mattress?