The City Mattress Blog

Cozy Bedroom Ideas: The Ultimate Guide - City Mattress

Cozy Bedroom Ideas: The Ultimate Guide

Bedrooms are often the most overlooked rooms in our homes, yet they are some of the most important. After all, we spend a third of our lives in bed, so...

Cozy Bedroom Ideas: The Ultimate Guide

Are Latex Mattresses Best for You? - City Mattress

Are Latex Mattresses Best for You?

If you're in the market for a new mattress, you might be wondering what kind of mattress is best for you. One option to consider is a latex mattress. Latex mattresses have several benefits...

Are Latex Mattresses Best for You?

How to Deodorize a Mattress - City Mattress

How to Deodorize a Mattress

Source: Pixel-Shot/ Have you recently noticed a faint yet not-so-pleasant smell coming from your mattress? It’s all right; it happens to all of us! But don’t worry. Deodorizing a mattress...

How to Deodorize a Mattress

How Big Is a Full Size Mattress? - City Mattress

How Big Is a Full Size Mattress?

Source: ImageFlow/ Are you tired of sleeping on a cramped twin size mattress but don’t have enough room for a queen or king? The solution might just be a full...

How Big Is a Full Size Mattress?