The City Mattress Blog

5 Best Beds for Small Spaces - City Mattress

5 Best Beds for Small Spaces

Small living spaces present unique challenges when it comes to finding the right bed to fit the limited space available. The ideal bed for small spaces should be space-saving while...

5 Best Beds for Small Spaces

Best workouts to improve your sleep - City Mattress

Best workouts to improve your sleep

Getting a good night's sleep is crucial for maintaining physical and mental health. Regular exercise has been shown to improve sleep quality, but not all workouts are created equal when...

Best workouts to improve your sleep

Is It Good to Read Before Bed? - City Mattress

Is It Good to Read Before Bed?

We’re often told to do it, but is it really a good idea to read before bed? The answer is yes! Reading before bed can have many positive effects on...

Is It Good to Read Before Bed?

Pros and Cons of Sleep Trackers - City Mattress

Pros and Cons of Sleep Trackers

Sleep trackers have become increasingly popular in recent years, with many people using them to track and improve their sleep patterns. These devices come in many different forms, from smartphone...

Pros and Cons of Sleep Trackers