The City Mattress Blog

5 Best Mattresses for Fibromyalgia - City Mattress

5 Best Mattresses for Fibromyalgia

Source: fizkes/ Fibromyalgia is a chronic disorder that causes pain and tenderness all over the body. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, fibromyalgia affects approximately 4 million...

5 Best Mattresses for Fibromyalgia

What Is Sleep Debt? All You Need to Know - City Mattress

What Is Sleep Debt? All You Need to Know

Did you know that losing just one hour of sleep per night can lead to a full night’s sleep debt in just a week? Sleep debt is the difference between...

What Is Sleep Debt? All You Need to Know

4 Best Mattresses For Arthritis - City Mattress

4 Best Mattresses For Arthritis

Source: Africa Studio/ Arthritis is a condition characterized by joint inflammation, pain, and stiffness that can profoundly impact sleep quality. The discomfort and pain associated with arthritis often lead to...

4 Best Mattresses For Arthritis

Banish the Night Sweats: A Guide to Cooling Mattresses at City Mattress - City Mattress

Banish the Night Sweats: A Guide to Cooling Mattresses at City Mattress

Do you wake up feeling like you've been wrestling a sauna monster instead of sleeping? You're not alone. Countless hot sleepers struggle with overheating at night, leading to restless nights,...

Banish the Night Sweats: A Guide to Cooling Mattresses at City Mattress