The City Mattress Blog

High-Density Foam: What it is and why it may be the Solution to Your Sleep Needs - City Mattress

High-Density Foam: What it is and why it may be the Solution to Your Sleep Needs

If you’re in the market for a new mattress, there are a few things you’ll want to know so you can be sure you’re making an informed purchase. When it...

High-Density Foam: What it is and why it may be the Solution to Your Sleep Needs

3 Reasons Why REM Sleep is so Important - City Mattress

3 Reasons Why REM Sleep is so Important

Sleep is an important part of your daily routine; you spend roughly one-third of your time doing it! Quality sleep, which means getting enough of it and staying asleep for...

3 Reasons Why REM Sleep is so Important

5 Reasons Why You Wake Up in the Middle of The Night (and What to do About it!) - City Mattress

5 Reasons Why You Wake Up in the Middle of The Night (and What to do About it!)

Your sleep is important; you know this! You cannot just count the hours from when you fell asleep to when your alarm went off as the time you got your...

5 Reasons Why You Wake Up in the Middle of The Night (and What to do About it!)

Are Morning People Happier and Healthier? - City Mattress

Are Morning People Happier and Healthier?

Chances are you already know whether you’re a morning person or a night person. Social scientists use pretty specific names for these two chronotypes. “Larks” are those who are up...

Are Morning People Happier and Healthier?