The City Mattress Blog

Why Waking up in the Morning is so Hard and What to do About it - City Mattress

Why Waking up in the Morning is so Hard and What to do About it

Do you have the Monday blues, pretty much every day of the week? Getting out of bed is so hard! While it may seem like everyone feels this way, that...

Why Waking up in the Morning is so Hard and What to do About it

Should Your Dog Sleep with You? Weighing out the Pros and Cons - City Mattress

Should Your Dog Sleep with You? Weighing out the Pros and Cons

Humans and dogs have been sleeping together in some cultures for thousands of years! Several surveys have shown that roughly 60 percent of all dog owners allow their dogs to...

Should Your Dog Sleep with You? Weighing out the Pros and Cons

How to Ensure Your Mattress Lasts the Full 8 Years - City Mattress

How to Ensure Your Mattress Lasts the Full 8 Years

If you’ve ever bought a brand new car, the feeling of driving it off of the lot is both exciting and a little scary. You are worried about anything bad...

How to Ensure Your Mattress Lasts the Full 8 Years

Your Sleep Satisfaction: What it is, Why it Matters, and How Your Mattress can Help - City Mattress

Your Sleep Satisfaction: What it is, Why it Matters, and How Your Mattress can Help

When you visit the doctor, he or she may ask you about the quality of your sleep, but there’s another term to consider: sleep satisfaction. Your sleep satisfaction is a...

Your Sleep Satisfaction: What it is, Why it Matters, and How Your Mattress can Help