The City Mattress Blog

American Made Mattresses: Which Mattresses are Made in the USA? - City Mattress

American Made Mattresses: Which Mattresses are Made in the USA?

You need to know a lot more about a mattress beyond just whether or not it is comfortable. Have you ever stopped to think about where your mattress was made?...

American Made Mattresses: Which Mattresses are Made in the USA?

The 4 Best Luxury Mattresses You Need to Consider Investing in - City Mattress

The 4 Best Luxury Mattresses You Need to Consider Investing in

If you’re not sleeping well, you’ll certainly feel it in the morning. A big aspect of whether or not you get the uninterrupted rest you need is the mattress you...

The 4 Best Luxury Mattresses You Need to Consider Investing in

A Hypoallergenic Pillow Buying Guide for Allergy Sufferers - City Mattress

A Hypoallergenic Pillow Buying Guide for Allergy Sufferers

We don’t just like sleep; we need sleep. As a wise person once said, “If you think sleep is a luxury, try going without it.” Sleep clears away the stress...

A Hypoallergenic Pillow Buying Guide for Allergy Sufferers

Alleviate Your Restless Legs Syndrome the Natural Way - City Mattress

Alleviate Your Restless Legs Syndrome the Natural Way

It’s impossible to feel happy and healthy if you’re not sleeping well and long enough. Sleep is an important cornerstone of wellness, but it eludes many people suffering from chronic...

Alleviate Your Restless Legs Syndrome the Natural Way