The City Mattress Blog

Sleep Calculator: How Much Sleep Do I Need? - City Mattress

Sleep Calculator: How Much Sleep Do I Need?

Quality sleep, which means getting enough of it and staying asleep for an uninterrupted period of time, is as essential to your health as food and water. Not only do...

Sleep Calculator: How Much Sleep Do I Need?

Your Puppy Sleep Schedule Guide - City Mattress

Your Puppy Sleep Schedule Guide

If you recently got a new puppy, you’re not alone. In fact, there has been a COVID puppy boom! Millions of families have bought a new puppy in the past...

Your Puppy Sleep Schedule Guide

The Best Sleep Schedule for Night Shift Workers - City Mattress

The Best Sleep Schedule for Night Shift Workers

While good sleep is a challenge for all of us, our society relies on some workers doing their job outside of the normal 9-5 routine for whom it is even...

The Best Sleep Schedule for Night Shift Workers

How to Make Bedtime Easier for Teens - City Mattress

How to Make Bedtime Easier for Teens

A well-rested person is easy to recognize. They are bright-eyed, happy, energetic, kind, and able to focus. This applies to people of all ages, including teenagers. Teens who get enough...

How to Make Bedtime Easier for Teens