The City Mattress Blog

7 Best Foods to Eat Before Bed


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Source: borzywoj/

Certain foods can be beneficial to eat before bed because they contain nutrients that help promote better sleep. For example, foods rich in tryptophan, an essential amino acid, help the body produce serotonin and melatonin, which are crucial for regulating sleep. Magnesium and omega-3 fatty acids are also known for their sleep-promoting properties. Generally, it’s advised to have a small, nutrient-rich snack about 30 minutes to an hour before bedtime, avoiding large meals that may disrupt sleep. Here are seven foods that are considered good to eat before bed, along with their benefits:

1) Almonds

Almonds are not only rich in magnesium, which helps improve sleep quality by maintaining healthy levels of GABA, a neurotransmitter that promotes relaxation, but they also contain high levels of tryptophan. This amino acid is crucial for the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates your sleep-wake cycle. Pairing almonds with a banana adds a tasty twist while also introducing potassium, another mineral known to aid muscle relaxation and better sleep. Eating a small handful of almonds or a tablespoon of almond butter with a banana can be an ideal pre-sleep snack.

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2) Kiwis

The high concentration of serotonin in kiwis can enhance sleep quality by helping to regulate sleep cycles. The antioxidants vitamins C and K, along with carotenoids and flavonoids in kiwis, help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, which can disturb sleep. Studies suggest consuming one or two kiwis before bed can lead to faster sleep onset and better sleep duration. Their low-calorie and high-fiber content makes them an excellent choice for a light, healthy pre-bedtime snack.

kiwi fruit whole sliced

Source: Stas Malyarevsky/

3) Cottage Cheese

Rich in casein protein, cottage cheese provides a sustained release of amino acids throughout the night, supporting muscle repair and growth during sleep, especially beneficial for athletes or those engaged in regular physical activity. This slow-digesting protein also helps in keeping hunger at bay, allowing for a more restful, uninterrupted sleep. Adding a small serving of cottage cheese to your nighttime routine, perhaps with a sprinkle of nuts or seeds for added flavor and nutrition, can be a great way to support your body’s overnight recovery processes.

4) Chamomile Tea

While a beverage and not a food, chamomile tea is still worth mentioning in this list. It is renowned for its calming effects, primarily due to the antioxidant apigenin, which binds to certain receptors in the brain to reduce anxiety and initiate sleep. Regular consumption of chamomile tea before bedtime can significantly improve sleep quality and duration, and it’s often recommended as a natural remedy for insomnia. The anti-inflammatory properties of chamomile also help in reducing physical discomfort that might hinder sleep. A warm cup of chamomile tea an hour before bed can be a soothing ritual to wind down the day.

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5) Kale

As a nutritional powerhouse, kale provides an abundance of vitamins and minerals conducive to good sleep, particularly magnesium and calcium. Magnesium aids in the relaxation of the nervous system and muscles, while calcium helps the brain use tryptophan to manufacture melatonin. Adding kale to your before-bed snack, whether as a salad or in a smoothie, can enhance your overall nutrient intake and contribute to a more restful night’s sleep. Its versatility in recipes makes it easy to incorporate into your evening meal.

6) Oatmeal

Oatmeal, being a source of complex carbohydrates, helps in the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that promotes relaxation. The presence of magnesium and melatonin in oats further enhances their sleep-promoting properties. Preparing a warm bowl of oatmeal with milk (which contains tryptophan) or almond milk can provide a comforting and satiating bedtime snack. For a more convenient option, overnight oats mixed with fruits and nuts can be a delightful and nutritious choice kept in the fridge, ready to go. 

7) Hummus

Hummus, made from chickpeas, is an excellent source of tryptophan, as well as vitamin B6, which is essential for the synthesis of melatonin. The fiber and protein in hummus also help in stabilizing blood sugar levels, preventing middle-of-the-night hunger pangs. Enjoying hummus with a serving of vegetables or whole-grain crackers can make for a satisfying and sleep-promoting late-night snack. Its ease of preparation and versatility in pairings make hummus a practical and healthy option for enhancing sleep quality.

Additional Considerations

When considering snacks before bedtime, timing and quantity are essential to avoid discomfort or digestive issues. It’s advisable to choose light, nutrient-dense snacks and consume them 30 minutes to an hour before bed. This timing allows the body to process the food without causing sleep disturbances.

Your sleep environment also plays a significant role in the quality of sleep. Using adjustable beds can provide personalized comfort, catering to specific sleep positions and needs. This, coupled with a comfortable sleep surface like a Purple mattress, known for its support and breathability, can create an optimal sleep setting. A well-adjusted bed and high-quality mattress can significantly enhance sleep quality by providing the right support and comfort for individual sleep preferences.

bed tilt adjustment mattress

Source: Dmitrii Pridannikov/

The question of whether it’s good to drink water before bedtime also plays into sleep quality and comes up in discussions around before-bed snacks and meals. While staying hydrated is important for overall health, including sleep, it’s advisable to moderate water intake before bed. Drinking water is beneficial for hydration, but drinking too much can lead to frequent bathroom trips, disrupting sleep. A balanced approach is to hydrate well throughout the day and reduce water intake in the evening, allowing for a comfortable, uninterrupted sleep.

These strategies combined can significantly improve sleep quality, ensuring that the body is both well-nourished and comfortably supported during rest. For more information on these topics, you can consult various resources on sleep health and hydration.

Wrapping Up

Selecting the right foods to eat before bed can enhance sleep quality. Foods rich in nutrients like tryptophan, magnesium and omega-3 fatty acids promote relaxation and regulate sleep cycles. Consider not only what you eat but also when and how much to avoid discomfort or digestion issues. A comfortable sleep environment, aided by choices like an adjustable bed or a supportive mattress, also contributes to better sleep. And, remember, while hydration is important, moderating water intake before bedtime can prevent sleep interruptions. Incorporating these dietary and environmental strategies can lead to a more restful and rejuvenating sleep.